[H&M jacket/AA sexuali tee/F21 shorts/Guess boots/Missoni bag]

"I get a nose bleeds whenever I leave Manhattan."
You know you have a true friend when they'll come with you to the farthest parts of Brooklyn to go to sketchy warehouse buildings to end up watching interpretive dance and listening to poetry. Girls will do funny things for boys, won't they? It was an interesting night anyway and we learned some important things about ourselves, namely that we're kinda spoiled, kinda awkward and have extremely high expectations for life.

On another note, who else is really excited it's jacket weather?!


  1. Haha I love what you wrote, I can relate. I've been wanting a jacket like yours!

  2. such a nice outfit. and nice blog too- hope youre having a great week-thanks for stopping by me!


  3. Interpretive dance huh? Were you perchance partaking in this interpretive dance? Were there flailing arm movements involved? Trance music?

    I love awkward random outings.
